writhting prompts

 7. Something you don't exactly remember.

I often don't remember a lot of things. I am probably the most forgetful person ever. If you ask me something and walk way, I literally forget that we even had a conversation.  This is probably because I have so many things going on in my brain at the same time, and trying to focus on my next move, my next plan.

8. What about what you use to know how to do

I use to know how to code very well, because that was something my middle school focused on.  I am sure I would be able to remember a lot of it, if I really tried.  I also use to be good in math, I never liked math, but did well on the test.  

9. Write a long apology

It is really had for me to write an apology because I am not often sorry for anything that I do. I often hurt people's feelings because I am brutally honest, but I do not ever apologize for that, because being honest, help people face the truth.  I may just say, "sorry I hurt your feelings, the way I said it may have come out wrong but hopefully you can understand that I was just trying to tell you the truth.  That would be the best I could do.

10. Write about a Secret Being Revealed

   Once you tell one person something it's not a secret anymore, so you can always expect that it will be revealed.  I probably had a secret that maybe my little brother knew about and he tells everything, so he may have told my parents.

11. Write about all the secrets that have been kept from you

I don't know about any secrets that have been kept from me, maybe a girl cheating, or lying, I really don't know.

12.  Write about a gift that was not well received.

For Christmas one year, one of my aunt gave us socks and mittens that didn't even fit, that was a gift they could have kept.  We ended up laughing about it.  I think only one year she gave us something that we actually liked.

13. Write a long thank you letter.

Dear Mom,

Thank you for supporting me and my dreams, thank you for pushing me, even for yelling at me to stop procrastinating and get my work done.  Thank you for seeing the vision, when I wanted to start a clothing line, for getting everything I needed to get started.  Thank you for putting up with me, for not giving up on me, and for just being a good mom.

14.  Write about something you are certain of.

I am certain that I am going to be a millionaire one day. I am really good at a lot of things, have really big dreams, and if I don't make it as a superstar music engineer or producer, I'll make it as a real estate broker.  I know that I will own property, a lot of property that I will rent out to people, and I know that I am very creative, so if my clothing line don't expand, I know I can either do music.

15. Write about having no fun at all

The times when I have no fun at all is when I am just sitting in the house.  My mind is constantly moving and shaking, so I constantly have to be around people that are moving.  If  I get a PS5 game, I usually beat the game in a day, so even that isn't a lot of fun. My mom said instead of making people reaching buying their games, I should put all that coding to use and make my own game.  I would rather be at the studio, or just out and about.

16.  Write about when you knew something was over (or begun).

    I knew me playing football was over when I showed up for every practice and saw that people that were not as good as me was getting in the games and I wasn't. I probably knew I wasn't' getting in the games, because unlike some people that are using football to make it, I don't have to do that.  After football stopped being fun, I knew it was over at the end of the fall season.  

17. Write about someone you forgot

   Something I forgot was probably the combination to a locker at school, and the janitor had to break in the locker so that I can get my stuff.  

18.  Write about Questions you wish you asked?

    I really don't have a lot of questions that I wished I had asked, because I ask a lot of questions. 

19. Write about something that is too small or too big.

Something that is too small is probably the balance on my Cash App card.  I am constantly going somewhere or going to the studio. If I am using uber, paying for the engineer, or putting gas in the car,  you see how fast money fly out of  the cash app balance.

20. Write about what you planned to do

I planned to get an A in all of my classes this year so that I wouldn't have to hear my mom's mouth, but it didn't quite work out that way.  

21. Write about something that doesn't get better

The only thing that doesn't get better is death. Once you are dead, you can't be un-dead.  Everything else can go up. Even if you hit rock bottom, as long as you can see the top, you can move  up.  The other thing that don't get better is the final score in a football game. Once that last inning is over, it's over and it is either win or lose.


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